Monday, October 1, 2007

We Are Back in the US!!

We have returned after a long journey of 5,129 miles to DC where we have reunited with Zoe and are spending a couple of days with my parents. Our trip was a tremendous success in working through the logistics of photo shots in remote villages and experiencing the response of the people in seeing the first photographs of their families.

In addition to this, we developed a great relationship with Bob and Bonnie Parker of Seed Ministry in Tamale Ghana. Their ministry works to support the work of local pastors in Ghana in all sorts of ways including construction, medical, transportation, and education assistance. In addition to this, Seed Ministry sets up Bible clubs for children in villages where there are no churches. Bob and Bonnie and rest of the Seed Ministry staff worked so hard to accommodate our little team with transportation and crowd control for the shoots. We had a great time photographing some of the tourist spots as we made our way south to Accra. Our trip could not have been successful without their help! Check out their website at

We are adjusting to the culture shock that comes with returning to all the niceties of the US. You never know how fortunate you are until you get to experience how the majority of the world lives. Hot showers, air conditioning, and Starbuck's do a number on the senses upon returning home.

Thank you all for keeping up with the blog while we were gone. We had limited access to internet cafes (I was amazed to find any internet access at all) so we were only able to post twice while we were gone. Over the course of the next several posts I will share some of our photos to catch everyone up on the details of the trip. Also, I will spend some time laying out the vision for the future of our organization. We are excited about the work that God has done thus far through our photographs and we are excited for our creative horizons to be expanded as 1000 Words of Hope grows and new projects develop.

Thanks again for all the prayer and support. Please continue to pray for safe travels for Elizabeth's parents as their plane was delayed which means that they will have to "travel" from 12 noon today until 10 pm to get from New York to Louisville. And by "travel," I mean sitting in an airport terminal in Boston or Cincinnati. Amazing! So pray for patience for them.

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