Same story this morning as I continue to find myself wide-awake at 4:00. I finally got the guts to get up and make it to the shower quietly stepping and hoping that I wouldn’t wake Zoe.
We fly out of DC around noon today and we should be arriving at 4:10 pm after we have a layover in Alanta and back up to Louisville.
It’s a funny thing, but if I am not going to be in Africa than I am always eager to get back to what I know is home. I guess it is because my heart feels the same peace there—that “feeling of home” kind of thing in Africa, as it does back at my house and the familiarity that surrounds it.
Monday we will begin posting our day-by-day journey through Ghana. So keep checking and please bear with us as we acclimate to US culture/time zones and trying to remain silent enough before God to hear His next step.
**Please feel free to comment or just say hello if you like. It’s always good to see who has been keeping up with our story.
Yesterday Matt and I decided to load up Zoe and hit the Metro (DC’s subway system) to the Jefferson Memorial. We had a lot of fun as well as a pretty nice workout since the subway system didn’t take us as close as we had thought it would. The subway dropped us off right between the White House and the Washington Monument. We hit The Mall and began our long journey to the Jefferson Memorial. We first were able to see the Jefferson over the beautiful lake and while Matt and I stood there Marine One passed right before us, which was really exciting.
Once we made it to the Jefferson Memorial we strategize about how to get the stroller to the top while allowing her to walk them herself. I am sure that Zoe has been to more of the monuments than most have before two years of age.
She was a good sport especially since this all took place during what should have been her nap.
It was cute…Matt’s arm was getting tired from carrying her so far that he decided to try and get her to ride like the African women hold their little ones (without the cloth). She loved it! It’s a good thing because I bought some cloth in Tamale just for this reason.
It’s pretty bizarre to come from a country like Ghana were they talk in hours and days, instead of minutes immediately into such a fast pass society as DC. In DC, everything is in seconds—crossing the road, getting to the next meeting, catching the subway and to see people run like they are catching a plane is just strange, when The Metro has the same route available every ten minutes.
It was neat though as it was clear that God was teaching and reminding us a little about Himself in those moments yesterday. To slow down, enjoy the process (the ride as much as our destination) and that our security is not in the world of meetings or busyness or even business, but only in the One who Created the Heavens and the Earth and everything within it. (Everything here in DC is centered on the issue of Homeland Security)
**Check out Psalm 33. Read the whole thing, but focus on vs. 13-22, and may you have true and deep Peace from the One who created it as you go about your day.
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