Monday, July 30, 2007

Travel Plans and Shots!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Today we all but finalized our travel itinerary to Ghana, which includes a stop in Arlington to drop off Zoe with my parents. They are very excited about getting to spend an extended amount of time with her and I know she will be glad to see them as well. My head wurred for most of the day with details of flight departure and arrival times and whether or not our connections would be too close to make. After the dust has settled, however, I think we have put together a plan that will get us there and back with reasonable simplicity. Some of the flight arrangement options would have taken over 30 for us to reach Ghana. I think we could take a steam ship and get there in less time. I was happy to have found a non-stop flight that will only take 10 hours instead. We will confirm and actually book the reservations tomorrow and a huge weight will lift from our shoulders as we can shift our energies to equipment and preparation for our actual time in Africa rather than just getting there.

In other news, Elizabeth and I got our shots for the trip today. A lot of money and soar arms later, we are protected from all sorts of nasty viruses and water-borne illnesses. The shots have made us both feel sluggish as there is no telling what kind of weird stuff our bodies are fighting off right now. We were going to post pictures of our band-aided arms, but Elizabeth's band-aids fell off. She elected to have the sparkle-glitter ones and sacrificed long-term adhesiveness for the look. I guess I could still post mine, but they are just the normal ones, which will probably still be on my arms after we return from Africa at the end of September.

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